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Canmil Wood Products

Canmil supplies softwood and hardwood products in a wide range of species and grades. We export Walnut, White Oak, Ash, and Maple among other varieties of North American hardwoods. In softwoods, we supply SPF, SYP, WRC, Douglas Fir and Hemlock species. Our lumber products are KD-HT (Kiln Dried-Heat Treated) and S4S.

Our sales team is very experienced and ready to serve your needs. Environmental sustainability is paramount to us as we procure lumber from all regions of North America.

Hard Maple

Also known as sugar maple, it is famous for near white colour and incredible strength. Known for its durability and strength, hence it's common use for indoor sports flooring, butcher blocks, and large furniture. It has excellent turning properties, a fine & even texture, and a natural luster.

Unlike most other hardwoods, the sapwood of maple is most commonly used rather than its heartwood and is separated for colour.

Sizes & grades we offer

Soft Maple

Unlike its name, the soft maple is almost as hard as walnut. Just like hard maple the sapwood color ranges from almost white, to a light golden or reddish brown, while the heartwood is a darker reddish brown.

Fairly easy to work with both hand and machine tools. It is comparatively lighter in weight and is preferred for making guitars, residential flooring and furniture manufacturing.

Sizes & grades we offer

White Oak

White oak is slightly harder than red oak, and also more durable. However, both types are notably stiff and dense, have high shock resistance, and resist wear.

Depending on whether the wood is plainsawn, riftsawn, or quartersawn, the grain of both red and white oak can have a plumed or flared appearance, a lighter grain pattern with low figuring, or a "flake" pattern that is referred to as "tiger rays" or "butterflies."

Sizes & grades we offer

White Ash

The sapwood of white ash is creamy white, hard, strong, and flexible, it is among the most valuable hardwood species.

The grain is bold and straight, with an occasional wavy pattern; and in plain-sawn boards it can have a strong contrast.

The wood has a lustrous appearance, and the texture is rather coarse.

Sizes & grades we offer


Reddish brown with a golden luster. Freshly cut cherry is often very pale, but the wood oxidizes to its famously favorable rich brown red in time.

Reaches heights of up to 100 feet, about 80 feet average, with a tall trunk of about 24" in diameter.

Some typical uses Includes furniture, cabinets, joinery, intarsia, veneer, interior millwork, small accessories, etc.

Sizes and grades we offer


Birch is without a doubt the iconic tree in the Canadian boreal forest. With its highly distinctive white peeling bark, the Birch defines our forests. Indigenous peoples used the bark for the hull of that singular Canadian watercraft – the canoe.

Birch is found in all of the provinces of Canada. It can grow as far south as the Appalachians in the United States. It typically has a large proportion of a creamy to grayish white sapwood with a small knotty heart. The heart is a brownish red and can produce an interesting flame type colouration. Once seasoned, the wood has a fine even texture with a straight grain.

Sizes & grades we offer

Red Oak

With over 250 species of oak worldwide, Northern red oak is North America’s most widely used and available hardwoods, and with good reason. Northern red oak grows from south eastern Ontario all the way out to the Maritimes, trees usually measuring 60-80 feet with a diameter of about 3 feet.

Straight grain and prominent rays define this classic wood, although the rays are usually shorter and darker in colour than white oak. The sapwood is almost white while the heartwood is a light reddish brown.

Being the most commonly used hardwood in North America, red oak's uses are extensive, including mine timbers, railroad ties, architectural interiors, flooring, millwork, cabinetry, plywood, coffins, pallets and more. The bark in red oak is rich in tannin, used in tanning leather.

Sizes & grades we offer

Black Walnut

America's most treasured wood for handcrafted furniture

This beautiful dark wood is admired by woodworkers for its abundance of flowing and often swirling grain patterns and dark color.

The wood is dense enough to be used for flooring and furniture, but not so hard as to be difficult to work with hand tools.

Sizes & grades we offer


Poplar is the largest hardwood tree found in the eastern North American forest. Reaching heights of 160' and diameters up to 10', it's renowned for producing lumber that is straight, clear and wide. It's a very abundant specie and has been used extensively whenever a wooden product is needed. In fact, it has been described as "machine food for the wood manufacturing industry."

It's mostly used for furniture and interior trim. It excels in taking a painted finish. Using stains, the skilled finisher can use a Poplar to mimic more expensive woods such as cherry and maple. Sliced into veneer, it is used as a core stock for plywood and the veneer is often dyed to provide a multitude of coloured veneer leafs.

Sizes & grades we offer

Southern Yellow Pine (SYP)

All of the Southern Yellow Pines are hard, dense woods with a distinct odour. The grain is generally straight with a fine to medium texture.

Given its density and high strength, Southern Yellow Pine is the ultimate wood for general construction. It is utilised in house construction, timber framing, bridges, and the like. It's also an excellent choice for flooring. For furniture, this species is underutilized. Most often it's used as a secondary wood. But, its distinctive appearance is an invitation for all woodworkers to begin using it in finer applications.

Sizes & grades we offer

Western Red Cedar (WRC)

Weather resistant and highly resistant to decay, western red cedar is ideally suited for exterior applications where durability and dimensional stability is required. Its unique properties make it ideal for weather-resistant applications including roof shingles, exterior siding and cladding, decking, doors, outdoor furniture, fences, ship building, as well as boxes and crates.

Western red cedar is a fairly lightweight wood, which is moderately soft and low in strength. It is known for its excellent working properties, with good machining qualities. It planes and shapes well and can be sanded to a smooth finish.

Sizes & grades we offer

Douglas Fir

Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is one of the world’s best-known and most widely used wood species.

Due to its strength, Douglas-fir is primarily used for building and construction. It is hard and resistant to abrasion, making it suitable for uses where wear is a factor, as in trestles, bridge parts, log homes and commercial buildings. It is one of the finest timbers for heavy structural purposes, including glulam beams and roof trusses. Structurally, it is used in the form of lumber, timbers, pilings and plywood.

Sizes & grades we offer

Spruce Pine Fir (SPF)

SPF is a distinctly white wood, with very little color variation between springwood and summerwood. The wood has a bright, clean appearance, ranging in color from white to pale yellow, with a fine straight grain and smooth texture.

The dimensional stability of SPF and the superior gluing properties make it popular in the prefabrication industry. Due to its high strength–to-weight ratio, it is ideal for modular houses, trusses, exterior decking, outdoor furniture, interior finishing, boxes and packing cases. This species group is often used in the manufacturing of flat-packed modular furniture.

Sizes & grades we offer


The two species comprising the Hem-Fir commercial group are the most abundant and important trees growing in the coastal region of British Columbia. Both species have a fine texture and a straight uniform grain.

The annual growth rings are distinct but there is little difference between the heartwood and sapwood, which makes the transition subtle and the wood quite uniform in color, ranging from creamy white to light gold.

Hem-Fir is valued for its good working properties and can be machined easily.

Sizes & grades we offer